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Lasers in dentistry opens the door for dentists to perform a wide;variety of dental procedures they otherwise may not be capable of performing. Dentists using lasers in dentistry have become adept at incorporating the state-of-the-art precision technology number of common and not-so-common procedure.Major benefits associated with laser dentistry:


No stitches required

Do not require Anesthesia.

Laser dentistry minimizes bleeding  Antibacterial effect

Damage to surrounding tissue is minimized.

Faster wound healing f and tissues  regenerated.

Tooth Laser Dentistry Procedures

CAVITY DETECTOR : Lasers can detect  dental caries at the earliest

DENTAL FILLINGS   : Easy and more comfort for the patients

Gum Laser Dentistry Procedures

CORRECTION OF GUMMY SMILE : Can reshape gum tissue for a better smile

MINOR SURGICAL PROCEDURE :   Quick ,Easy and Comfortable